Monday, August 2, 2010

Divya is 3 months old!

It's totally crazy.  I cannot believe Divya is already 3 months old.  The last 3 months have been a blur, but also one of the most amazing times in our lives.  So, here are a few things I'd like to share about our little girl...I'm doing this MB style ;)

  • She is 'talking' more and more every day.  She now will hold a 'converstation' with you.  It's too cute for words...literally.
  • She is fascinated about the world around her.  Her newest obsession: trees.  She will stare at them for hours.  Now when we go on walks, we'll say "Divya, let's go look at trees!" and she stares at them for the entire hour long walk.  Yesterday at church, we stumbled upon a fish tank which was a HUGE hit.  She was so happy watching the fish swim around.  I think she could have watched those fish forever.  She has no interest in toys, she just wants to explore the natural wonders around her.
  • Things that make her smile: mommy, daddy...and the ceiling fan.  I never realized how funny and entertaining a ceiling fan could be!
  • The oral stage has fully taken hold.  She loves sucking on her hands (often both at once). Yesterday I was holding her while doing some chores around the house.  She was sucking on my arm, and all of a sudden it really started to hurt!  The next thing I know, I look down to find a huge hickey on the inside of my arm!  She actually gave me a hickey!! A big purple one!!
  • She just loves to be snuggled, held and worn.  Absolutely nothing makes her happier than being close to you.
  • She's starting to discover the strength in her legs.  She loves to stand, dance and walk..with a little bit of help, of course!  This is great, but makes bathtime a very messy affair.
  • She loves hanging out on her belly.  She can lift her head and chest up and look around.  She just started to push off her elbows too.  She kicks her legs like crazy like she's ready to crawl but can't seem to find any traction.  She kind of looks like a beached seal.  It's hilarious.
D has been such a blessing in our lives.  It's so amazing to watch her grow and see her explore and learn the world around her.  We're so thankful that our little tiny preemie baby is doing so well, gaining weight like crazy and developing beautifully.  We can't ask for anything more.

Hanging out

Playing with daddy

 Sucking on her snuggle puppy

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