Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Public Declaration

This post is less for your benefit than it is for my own. I am declaring to the world that I am training for a marathon. It's now official. The greater the number of people who know about my plans, the more my pride will keep me from giving up (at least theoretically). I'm training for the Des Moines Marathon which is Oct. 19. Not fancy, not glamorous, but it'll do. Actually what happened the time I finally made the decision, all the other (better) races were already booked up for fall. Also, it's summer and I have the time to train, which I'm finding very important. So, here are some realizations I've made since making this decision:

  1. Saturday mornings will have a whole new meaning for the next few months. Instead of sleeping in or hopping out of bed and going to the farmers market, I'll be lacing up for long runs.
  2. Iowa is humid. Like psychotically humid. If I don't get out there by 8am, I'm in trouble.
  3. Iowa City is very, very small. Yesterday I spend the afternoon on Google pedometer planning new running routes. I've come to the (sad) conclusion that for my longer runs I'll be running laps around the city. I'm unfortunately not kidding.
  4. Listening to Matt's sermons while running is great. A solid 45 min. Edifying and calorie burning.
More of these little gems to come, I'm sure. So, I'm putting out a request (for all the hundreds of you who are reading this). I am in some serious need of good running music. I really don't have much on my ipod that qualifies. Most of the music I enjoy listening to is better paired with a glass of wine than miles of pavement. I've got to start downloading some more appropriate songs, so any and all suggestions would be great.

Thanks for letting me make you accountable for keeping me on track with this.


Anonymous said...

The first one that comes to mind is The Shins #8 on their 'Wincing the Night Away' album. Don't know the name but you'll find it. Actually it might be on a mix I've burned for you in the past... It's superficially a slow song but under the surface is this constant perfect beat--I loved running to it those two months last year when I was making an effort! I'll keep looking, and good luck training girlie!

Mary Beth Spann said...

Wow. That's awesome! and...You crazy. :)

Since I don't run, I'm not sure about running music. How 'bout "Eye of the Tiger"? But you could try some Mark Driscoll sermons (Mars Hill).

Garrett and Allison Reed said...

I will have to think on the music thing....I prefer wine drinking music myself!! I will say I am super proud of your Marathon decision...that is awesome!!! I knew you had it in you.

P.S. I got my $7 ring at's awesome!