Garden of the God's Park
A view of Pike's Peak from the park
Horsetooth Resevoir, Ft. Collins. One of the most beautiful lakes I've ever seen. hurricane force winds at the lake. we could barely open the car doors to get out! look at Deja's hair!
Arie, Dad, Mom, Deja, Yogi pau, Priyaj, Vinu maiju and Shreya in front of the Arkansas River at Royal Gorge
In front of the world's highest suspension bridge
A few of my most memorable moments:
Running through the Garden of God's park along side Pike's Peak first thing in the morning with Khairie. The sun was just rising and turing the rocks brilliant orange. It was absolutely breathtaking (and not just because of the lack of oxygen).
Laughing so hard that I almost peed in my pants at Horsetooth Resevior. The wind was blowing so hard you couldn't stand up straight, breathe or hardly see--all you could do was laugh.
Picnicing outside of royal gorge. All I remember is cheetos and kettle corn flying.
The entire trip was so much fun. I can't wait to go back!